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Angelfish sick

23 15:57:03

HI, my angelfish has cramped fins and is usually a nice healthy black but is looking white can not tell if it is a white coat or lose of colour he is lethargic..what do i do???

Hi Sharlee,

What signs or symptoms (white spots, reddening, etc.) is he displaying? Clamped fins and lethargy is common in almost ALL the diseases out there, so I would not be able to pinpoint your disease. If he's not showing any other visible signs apart from the loss of color, it may just be stress. Fish can become stressed, and they often lose their color and become inactive.

I'd change 20% of the water every other day, as a precautionary measure to prevent a disease. also, adding a stress reducer/slime coat enhancer such as Stress Coat, by API, will help, but is not absolutely needed.

If you notice any additional signs, like cottony growths, red spots, etc, please don't hesitate to ask a follow-up question - I'm happy to help you and your fish!

Good Luck, and I hope your Angel recovers!