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Breeding kribs: male alone in cave

23 16:22:35

I have a 75 gallon freshwater tank which has been very healthy for 2 years with 4 kribs (3 female and 1 male) 9 rainbows and assorted catfish, plecos, cories, autocats.  The kribs have been building caves, but someone obviously has been eating the eggs.  So I set up a 25 gallon tank with water, plants, rocks and flower pot and substrate from the 75 gallon.  I have put the male and his favorite female into the new tank.  They are both hiding separately -- the female under some plants and the male in the cave.  The Ph and temperature are exactly the same as the 75 gallon tank.  They are protesting!  What do I do now?  I don't want to lose these beautiful fish that I have had for almost 2 years!  (Just a note -- weekly water changes of 25% and heavily planted tank)

Hi Barbara:  They are just a bit stressed from the move. Give them a few days to a week and you will probably see eggs.  If you don't... then add the other two females to the smaller tank... How do you like keeping rainbows?  The egg eater is probably one of the catfish... hope this helps... dave