Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Cloudy/milky water.

Cloudy/milky water.

23 16:28:46

I have set up a tropical aquarium (68l) 2 days ago. It is well filtered and airated and heavily planted. I have not purchased the fish yet as this morning I noticed that the water had become clouded with a geenish-milky tinge. this has got worsse throughout the day despite usual filtering, using carbon. I have a 15 watt fluorescent light tube that i run about 9-11 houns a day. Could it be algea? Is it just a normal occurance that happens in a new aquarium? Or is it being caused by something else?
Thanks for your help,

what you have is NTS, or New Tank Syndrome.
It will clear by itself as long as you don;t overgun the system.
I would not add any fish at this point as your ammonia levels will be high for a week or so.
set the light at 8hrs and see how it goes from there.
You can delete the carbon if you wish as it serves no purpose at this point, let the tank cycle and then if you wish to go back using the carbon that is fine.
If you have further questions, just ask