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Goldfish-air pump

23 16:34:35

Hi There i have two gold fish both the same size about 4cm2.
Temporeraly i have them in a 28 lengh, 16 withe, and 17 hieght tank after two weeks i will move them into another 30 liter tank with a filter and and the same air blower. what i want to know is should i keep the air blower on all the time because when it is on the fish seem to be a tiny bit scared of it and then when i turn if off they are calm. plz help. i am not to sure what kind if breed they but their stomach is blown out alot. thx

Many types of goldfish like fantails, naturally have a bloated stomach and others are over fed. They only need a pinch of food a day.

You don't want your fish to be gulping at the surface so wet the food before putting it in so it doesn't float.

It is important to have the filter on so just try to have it on but on low and they should get used to it. Also they may seem like they are more relaxed with the filter off but it is probably because no oxygen is going through the water so they feel lethargic.

Less oxygen makes us tired and not want to do anything. You should get a bubble stone if you haven't already got one.