Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Angelfish fins look like glued together

Angelfish fins look like glued together

23 16:39:21

We recently bought three angelfish.  After a week one of the fish looked like his fins were glued together and then a day later he died.  Now several days later another one is doing the same thing.  What could be wrong with him.  The water tests good?

Hi Lesli
Wow, that sounds strange!  Does it look like slime in the fins holding them together?  Or do their bodies look like there's extra slime on them at all?  Any other symptoms before the other one died/or this one?  Rapid breathing/gills moving fast, fins look tattered/torn/ripped, rubbing or scratching on objects in the tank,any stringy stuff haning off them, does the mouth area look red?

And what exactly is the water testing at?
