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White lump

23 16:53:10

I have two saffron Mollies which both have a white lump that has recently developed above one eye, it doesn't look like Popeye as the whole eye isn't swollen, they both have a white lump where they eyelids would be and you can see it traveling behind the eye, Could it be the start of Popeye and I've just caught it in time? I cant find anything on the Internet it almost looks like a cyst squeezing out through the eye socket. Their eyes are clear not cloudy, eating fine but one hangs near the surface alot (the one who's got a bigger lump) Any Ideas would be great. Or any information on fish eye infections?

I am not sure what to tell you.  You're right, it doesn't fit any known diseases.  Until some other symptoms show up (fungus, ich, swelling) the only thing I can suggest is adding aquarium salt 1 tsp per gallon(as long as your other fish are ok with that, ie. no pet snails and other salt sensitive fish or plants) and raising your temp to 80-82F.  Send me a follow-up if the situation worsens.  Before you add the salt, you may want to do a 30% water change (apparently the recommended weekly amount for mollies).  I hope this helps :)