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freshwater eels

23 16:45:16

I have a ten gallon tank I bought to breed bettas, but have been unsuccessful.  I am thinking of converting it into a regular freshwater tank and would like to get an eel.  Are there any freshwater eels that don't grow too big for a ten gallon tank?

Hi Alyssa;

Unfortunately, all freshwater eels do get over 10 to 12  inches long so they are too large for a ten gallon tank. There are a few longer bodied loaches that resemble eels and stay smaller such as dojo weather loach, horseface loach and khuli loach. They are easier to feed too, just regular fish foods and dojos and khulis like to be in groups. They look really cool when they swim around together during feeding time. Loaches are jumpers though, as are freshwater eels, so be sure there are not even any tiny holes or spaces for them to slither out of.

Have fun, whatever you decide to keep!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins