Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My Goldfish is suddenly acting strange.

My Goldfish is suddenly acting strange.

23 16:00:53

Hello,I hope you can help me.  We have had our goldfish for about 1 year.  He had just recently outgrown the 5 gal Hex tank we had him in.  We transferred him over to a 12 gallon one on Monday night (we let the tank run for 24 hours first).  Our fish is quite large (5") and very friendly and sociable with us.  After he was in his new tank he seemed very happy until last night (Wed).  When we go up to the tank he darts away violently shoots all over the tank banging off the walls and into the gravel.  He is acting like he is very angry or something.  Previous to this we could put our noses up to the tank (as if to "kiss" him) and he would stay right there.  He would also see us and wiggle for us when we passed by the tank.  Now he ignores us.  It is so sudden and so strange to see him acting like this.  He is eating and swimming normally (when viewed from afar) but he will flip out if we come close to the tank.  The only new addition to the tank are three apple snails which we put in to deal with some of the algae issues we had in the previous tank.  I am worried that something is really wrong and I don't know what to do.  Please help if you can!  Thank you.

Dear Lauren,

  He is more than likely just stressed out.  Being transfered for a fish is like going into a whole new world.  Try to give him some space and let him get use to his new home.  As long as he is eating and swimming ok I wouldn't worry.  He will get use to his new home and be just as friendly as he was before.