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Tropical Eels

23 16:19:33

We have a sucker fish, siamese fighting fish, guppies and zebras, can you keep a tropical eel in the same tank with these fish

Hi Nicky,
The Eel might be OK with the sucker fish and siamese fish. But if the eel is large enough, he will probably eat the smaller fish like the guppies and zebras, ect...

There are many species of Eels available at the petstore. Tiretrack eels are among the largest Eels available. Reaching up to 36 inches. Smaller sizes are probably more common but with good care, it wouldn't be unusual for them to grow that large. Fire Eels are another species commonly available. They too also grow large, up to two feet. Due to their carnivorous nature and large size they are best suited to fish with similar care and aggression. Peacock eels grow to about 11 inches or so and is much more calmer in temperament and will get along with a variety of fish in a larger community.

Although it wont be the same as a big eel, Kuhli loaches are like tiny Eels with their slender snake-like appearance and wriggling swimming pattern. They are small, about 3-4 inches and enjoy piling together in groups. Their colorful bands of yellow and brown. Here's more info-

I hope this helps!