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Pictus Catfish

23 16:19:33

We originaly had a columbian shark. When he died 3 days after we bought him because the tank requirements that we were told were false, we set up a 5gal. tank with all of the above and treated the water. We let that sit for about a month then replaced him with 2 pictus catfish, who just died after having one for 2 weeks and the other for a week. What are the tank requirements for these little guys? And what sould we be feeding them?

They need large 30-50 gallon tanks, and they need to go through the nitrogen cycle.  If you get more, get a much larger tank *5 gallons is barely enough room for a betta and a snail*  and you need to test your water daily and see if there is any ammonia or nitrite.  If either show up, do a 50% water change, twice a day if you need to.