Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Betta tank; water change temperatures

Betta tank; water change temperatures

23 16:36:59

QUESTION: My little girl bought a betta this summer.  Now that winter is approaching
(having learned from hard experience in the past that our house is not warm
enough in winter for bettas to survive in an unheated container!), we have
moved him into a 2 gal. tank with a mini heater.  However, I'm concerned
about how to change his water without causing too much of a temperature
fluctuation.  Will we need to buy an additional heater so that we can heat the
fresh water each time before adding it to his bowl?  :(

ANSWER: Hello, warming the water before adding it into his bowl is a good idea. You don't want him to get too stressed out, from just adding some water that he isn't used too. The water should be at least, or close to the temp. in his bowl.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I guess my question really is, how do people usually go about warming water
before adding it to the tank for a water change?  Is purchasing an additional
heater the only way to go?  Could I use a saucepan to warm the clean,
dechlorinated water, then let it cool to the correct temperature?  Is there
another, better way that I haven't thought of?

There are some ways you could warm the water. You can use a heater, or yes boil it and let it cool, till the correct temperature. You could also use warm water from the faucet when changing the water, instead of warming it up, or boiling it. The change in temperature won't be too much, and it shouldn't hurt your betta when you add it.