Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > too many swordtails

too many swordtails

23 16:28:06

I have a large aquarium with a variety of fish. I have red swordtails that reproduce faster than I can give them away. I have tried to get the local pet stores to take them but they will not. Is there a particular fish I can add to my tank that will feed on the fry to keep this population explosion in check?

Hi Nancy;

Any fish with a mouth big enough to eat them should automatically do so, including the parents. Cut back on food a bit when new babies arrive so all the fish are more interested in hunting and foraging. Without knowing what other fish you have in the tank I really can't say what new ones would be compatible. Let me know and we can go from there....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins