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New Parrot Fish Keep Hiding

23 15:40:20


I have a 55 gallon aquarium and recently purchased two orange/blood red parrot fish. Both seemed healthy in the store and greeted me when I put my finger on the glass. These are my first parrot fish and I heard they are friendly, charming fish, with great personalities.

However, all mine want to do is hide...

It has been about a week since I bought them. My tank water is clean and the water perameters are stable. I keep the temperature at 78 F.

I realize parrot fish are very shy cichlids by nature but I am concerned because they are not eating. I try to put food in (such as freeze dried brine shrimp, bloodworms, and sinking cichlid pellets) but they show no interest in eating at all. I am worried they will starve. I have two terracotta pots and plants for them to hide in so they feel safe.

Sometimes, when I am not near my tank, I will see them leave their hiding place and wander around. However, the second they see me (even if I approach the tank slowly to feed them) they immediately swim back to their hiding place in the pot and stay there.

Is there anything I can do? I am really worried about them and I don't like to see them hide all the time. However, I don't want to remove their hiding place because it might stress them out even more. How long can parrot fish survive without eating? Is there a different kind of food I should try feeding that might entice them to come out?

Thank you.  

Hi Sara

Your Blood Parrots are behaving perfectly normal. They will hide and come out when you are not near the tank. You definitely don't want to remove their hiding place as this will cause them to run frantically all over the tank looking for a place to feel safe.

Once they get used to you, their new home and new routine, they will come out more often. I've had mine for years and they meet me at the top of the tank at feeding time and they no longer run and hide when I walk by. Just give them some time and they will be fine.

Don't worry about them not eating. They are eating, they just come out and eat when you are not near the tank. They would probably eat better with a flake diet. Tetra Cichlid Flakes, with Bloodworms and Brine Shrimp added occasionally as treats. Despite what you may read or hear, in my experience, most Cichlids do not like pellets.

Hope this helps, good luck!
