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Question about betas

23 15:22:25

I got a 20 gallon aquarium setup from my sister. I was thinking about getting a male beta for it. Possibly some plastic plants and a big plastic log on the bottom so the betta has a place to hide. I was thinking about using white quartz sand and a foam filter in the corner with air pump. Keep the water moving slowly. Figured that a power filter would create too much current. What would you recommend? Oh yea, it has a standard Marineland fluorescent light?
Too bright? Possibly need some tank mates? Such as a snail, catfish, or some small tetras? Or ok alone?

Hi William!

Yes, a power filter is way too strong. Try an air pump. Not only will it give your Betta more oxygen, it also gives the water current and makes the tank look more beautiful. I recommend the Tetra Whisper Air Pump. With a patented arch design with rubber leg grips, it is very quiet. You can purchase this at Petsmart for about $20.
No, the light won't be too bright. In their natural habitats, Bettas are fine even with the sun as their source of light.  For tank mates I recommend some ghost shrimp, snails, etc. Catfish are ok, but please remember, Bettas are aggressive so they might fight sometimes. Just never ever add fiddler crabs or another Betta of the same sex or else they will fight to their deaths.

Hope this helps and please don't hesitate to ask a follow-up! XD