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Ammonia level still high

23 16:48:12

I'm hoping you can help me. We bought a 10 gallon tank with filter for my daughter and it's currently been set up for 10 days now .
After 24hrs we put 2 feeder fish and a plecco into the tank, A week later we added 2 goldfish.
I noticed the tank starting to go cloudy so I did a 10% water changed and bought an ammonia test kit. The test came back very high, following day I did a 50% water change and 2 days later did 40% water change. Each time testing the water, it's getting better but not sure if I am cleaning the tank too often?
Then one of the feeder fish has died. I did another water change and bough ammonia clear to help the problem.
Tested the water again and it's still showing ammonia levels appx 1.0 alot better but still not good enough.
I feed the fish once a day and appx 3 flakes & 1 algae tablet for the plecco. I thought maybe I was over feeding so now put in half a tablet for the plecco. Am I feeding the fish too much?? they seem they are starving and gobble the food up in seconds.
I have also tested PH levels are around 6.5- 7.
Need some serious help here don't want to lose any more fish.
Yesterday the other feeder fish was sitting on the bottom of the tank so immediatley I did a 40% water change.
I have also noticed erratic shaking when swimming every now and then not sure if this is normal or not this is only happening to the 2 new goldfish.
Any help would be appreciated as my daughter was heart broken when she lost the little feeder fish.

Hi Debbie;

Unfortunately the fish store didn't give you the information you need about "New Tank Syndrome" so your new tank and fish could be successful. Your tank is just too new to have more than one fish in it. The erratic shaking is from irritation of the ammonia. It burns the fishes' skin eyes and gills. You are doing great in trying to lower them, but it will get worse as another toxin elevates, called nitrite. It would be best to take all but one fish back to the fish store. Here is a link to my article on new tanks that explains what's going on in there;

Goldfish are really messy fish that get big too. Only one can live in a ten gallon because of their potential size and it still may need a bigger tank. Here is a link to a page about them and what they need;

I hope things get better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins