Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Sick Gourmi

Sick Gourmi

25 9:20:07

I have had two gourmi for about 1 year now. One has been acting as if he has "asthma" for quite a few weeks. When he swims he has to put forth considerable effort to keep from sinking or falling to his side. He rests/balances in a plant near the top of the tank where he seems to stay high enough to sometimes take in air from the top of the tank. The other gourmi is beginning to act the same way. All of the other fish in the tank are healthy and show no signs of any problems.

I have a 50 gallon tank, bio wheel filter, tank is heat is between 80-85 degrees. The tank was cooler  but his behavior was the same-I thought maybe it needed to be warmer, but there has been no change.

Please help! --Donette  

Hi Donette;

It sounds like failed swim bladder. The swim bladder controls buoyancy. Normally, it fills with blood gasses so they can float, and then it deflates when the fish wants to swim down. When the swim bladder fails it deflates and can't fill up with gasses anymore. Temperature shock, cool water, chronic water quality problems, genetic deformities, stress and infection are all possible causes. There is no real 'cure' for it though once it happens. Just keep water quality good and the temperature up and hope for the best. Some fish recover and regain the use of their swim bladder, but most don't.

For regular maintenance, replace 25% of the water and vacuum the gravel every week to two weeks. This keeps dissolved organic matter down so the fish can thrive and their immune systems can work properly.

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Chris Robbins

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