Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Colbalt chichlid about 1-1/2 inches

Colbalt chichlid about 1-1/2 inches

25 9:06:46

Tank 75 gal, set up 6 months ph 7.4, ammonia .25, nitrite 0-20, fresh plants, 3-bubblers, two 60gal filters. 4 Austrialian Rainbows, 4 rainbow sharks, 1 pleco, 4 algrae eaters, 4 cat fish, and 5 several smaller chichilid(spelling) all get along very well, gradual introduction of species done.  My cobalt chichilid seems to be bloated belly is rounds and quite large in size, What could be causing this

Hi Cindy;

Your Cobalt Cichlid could be bloated, or if he is just acting normally he's a good eater. If he is indeed sick I would recommend getting him into a hospital tank. Just a bare 10 gallon with no gravel, no filter and no decorations. It only needs a bubbler, heater and lights. Make a 50% water change in it every day since there is no filter. A filter would remove medication if you end up using any in there. There is a condition know as "Malawi Bloat". It is very difficult to treat and often fatal. Here is more about it;

Let me know if that looks like what your fish has.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins