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Ramshorn Snails

23 15:22:24

I have a freshwater tank with live bearers mostly guppies. I also have many rams horn snails in the tank. I like them a lot and they are reproducing. However, many of them end up turning white (the shell turns white) and dies fairly quickly. I have a bag of crushed coral in the tank for increased water hardness for shell.

What could be causing this?



Hi Seth!

Well high pH levels could be the cause of this problem. Try changing the water in the tank (50%) and see what happens. Buy the API Stress Coat which removes stress up to 40% and also prevents stress so your other fish won't get stressed out because you changed a vast amount of water. Also, if there is any salt in the water, you must remove the salt by changing the water because salt stings the bodies of snails, especially snails that are just born.

Hope this helps! xD