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Tail regrowth and possible need for isolation?

23 16:02:49

We have a 20 gallon aquarium, fairly well planted with lots of hiding space.  Right now we have a dalmatian molly, a black molly, and a group of small schooling fish that were apparently incorrectly labeled as platies when we bought them.  They're about the size of tetras but are orange at the front and black at the back.
The dalmatian molly has a tendency to "puff up" when other fish swim near her, and has chased the black molly before but I've never seen her give the schoolers any problems.  
Last night I was about three hours late on feeding them (which in retrospect I feel incredibly negligent and awful about) and the dalmatian molly nipped the tail fins off two of the little guys.
My husband and I panicked and immediately fed them before there was any more carnage and moved the two injured ones to a small fish bowl we had on hand with some aquarium salt (and properly conditioned water).  They swim a bit awkwardly but can still get around.
My question is, should we put them back in the main aquarium so they can be with their school?  I worry that the pump might suck them in because of their limited swimming capacity.  Also do I need to do something with the molly?  I had always heard that they were peaceful and usually only aggressive when pregnant so I'm a bit stumped.
Also is there anything we can do to help our little tailless guys recover?

Is this the fish? it's a Harlequin Rasbora. I'd just put them back in the aquarum and add some stress coat. BUT BEFORE YOU DO THAT.
1. Make sure the rasboras have some oxygenated water. (use a bubbler). And leave them there no more than 2 days.
2. Go to the pet store and buy about 4 more mollies of equal size to the dalmation. They'll keep eachother in check.

Some times you'll have to remove a problem fish from the tank. So if this happens again then take that mollie to a mom and pop store and ask them to trade it for store credit.