Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Can mulitple Bala sharks work in a 55 gallon?

Can mulitple Bala sharks work in a 55 gallon?

23 16:04:16


I am a beginner who just got a 55 gallon aquarium setup for Christmas. I'm really excited as I've always wanted an aquarium.

Well, I got the tank going and I should have done more research regarding the species of fish. I've already learned that I'm going to have to take back my goby dragon since it's meant for a brackish aquarium as opposed to a freshwater. I also learned that Bala Sharks and red finned foil barbs get pretty big.

So for sure I am going to take back the barb and the goby :( but if I keep say 2 out of the 3 Bala Sharks can they thrive in a 55 gallon setup?

(I also have 4 dwarf gouramis, 6 neon tetras, and 2 plecostomus)

Hello Jon,
Congrats on the new aquarium!!

And cheers for doing research too! You are doing a great deed by taking back the goby and the barbs.

I believe that Two Bala sharks will certainly be fine in your setup. They can get a little large. 9-10 inches isn't too unusual. But they'll be OK in your 55-gallon.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!