Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > half paralyzed fish

half paralyzed fish

23 16:37:56

i have a cichalid i think thats how u spell it that is like half paralyzed it goes up to eat fine when i put the food in and then it goes down to lay on its side at bottom of tank and repeats the same procces over and over if you could please w/b asap so i can maybe get medicine thanx
          by the way i have a 1000 gallon tank and i have about 80 -100 fish        brandon

Hi Brandon, your cichlid probably is either paralyzed or the water qualities in your tank are off. I would bring a sample of your water to your pet store and they will tell you exactly which water levels are off and tell you exactly they supply you need to fix it. For right now I would add aquarium salt to relieve the stress from your fish. Good Luck!