Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > power outage

power outage

23 16:16:49

How do I cool down my freshwater tank. It is a little warm usually but during this
power outage it is above the safe line. I have a tigertrack eel, disc fish, angel
fish, picostomus, some tetras, scissor fish, clown lochs, rosy barbs, another
sucker fish, and some other tetra in a 29 gallon tank.

Hi Mel;

The warmer water itself isn't a problem but it does cause lower oxygen levels in the tank water. Especially in a tank with so many fish. They can tolerate temperatures in the low 80's for a few days. If you live near a store that sells supplies for fishing, find out if they have battery operated air pumps. Get two or three and use them with some tubing and an airstone (usually included) to give your fish oxygen with bubbles.

Also, change 25% of the tank water every day. Hopefully it will reduce the toxins that are going to build up in there since the filter isn't working. There really isn't much more you can do.

**Important Note** If your filter is a canister filter (sealed chamber connected to the tank by hoses) and the power has been out for longer than 8 hours, DO NOT just let the filter turn back on. The beneficial bacteria that usually lives inside of it will be mostly dead and toxic gasses and ammonia will be pumped into your tank from the decaying waste that collected in there. Disconnect the filter and gently rinse out all the media right away. You can set it up for use again once it is cleaned out.

I hope all goes well...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins