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problem with bgk fish

23 16:15:16

20 g for another 8-9 mounth max before i get a 125g tank
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i know it may sound alittle cruoded but i dont really see them much...
i have a 30g penguin filter, and i have three micro bubble stone in there.
i change about 10% every week like i was told by cris i belive on this sight. and clean the gravel.
the tank is about 5-6 mounths old most fish like the bgk fish are new to the tank.

ok so this is my question, the bgk fish is active, eats blood worms, beef heart and some brine shrimp all frozen and fresh. somtimes eats algy wafers from the pleco. i hag the bgk fish for about1 week before he got discolered. went to the pet stroe and got a glo boulb for the tank and he is jet black with bright white lines on him like normal. i tune the lites of and a couple hours later he is discoloered agine. turn the lites on and hes back to black. all the other fish stay the same color except him. what do i do?
i am thinking about getting the fresh water salt. is that going to be good or bad for the tank?
i also appoligize if ther and alot of grammer erros but i haven't been able to sleep latly so went on the internet at 2:21 am ... just in case you have a had time reading it . thanks. jp

He is discolored because, obviously, he is stressed from being in such a small tank. He will color back up when you move him.

Also, in a tank that heavily stocked you shoudl be doing 50% water changes twice a week. 10% is only good in a heavily planted properly stocked tank, definitely not in a tank like that. When you move them to the 125g you can do 20% twice a week.
