Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My Angel Fish

My Angel Fish

23 16:05:28

QUESTION: Hi i was wondering if you can help me i have an angel fish that has been attacked by my other two angel fish and they have ripped most of his tail off, i was keeping him in a 200 ltr tank with the other angels but i have now moved him to another 200ltr tank that only has dainios in it as it has recently been set up, i have been treating him with melafix as i was told this is great for healing wounds is this right? and will his tail grow back? because he is struggling to swim

ANSWER: Hi Robert.  If you have treated him for more then two days with malafix then I would stop.  As his wounds on his tail should be closed but still visible.  I would feed him brine shrimp and tubiworms for the next couple of weeks and by that time you should see a results in fin regeneration.  The brine shrimp ad tubiworms will provide his body the extra nutrition that it needs to regenerate his tail.  They will also improve his outlook on life a bit as well.  How often do you feed your fish????   Please keep me posted... dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i feed my fish twice a day, he does get brine shrimp and  tubiworns and also daphnia i have only treated him for the two days with the melafix also, i am glad to hear his tail will grow back too, also sorry to take up more of your time but i have been told that angel fish need to be kept in  groups or pairs but i would now be a bit wary about putting another angel in  with him will he be alright on his own? if not is there any other fish that i could put in with him? thanks for helping

Angelfish can be kept alone and in some cases they need to be. There are a variety of reasons why angelfish are aggressive. The two main reasons are food source and mating.  If you have three angelfish and two are picking on the third then you may have a pair that are about to mate.... Angelfish are cichlids and cichlids get very aggressive when they spawn.  dave