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murky water effect

23 16:25:17

"I have a 240litre jewel tank with all the nessasary filters etc, the fish i plan to stock with are cold freshwater fish.I recently did a overhaul of my tank and whilst letting it settle the water became murky. The effect of this i Really like, but it was shortly removed by the filters of the tank, Please tell me of a way i can permenantly make the water have a slight murky-ness maybe like a dye or something, cheers"

Hi Joe
That's an interesting question...most people dislike the murky water and look for ways to get rid of it lol :)  I'm going to suggest you ask some other experts for advice; the only way I know of to get a color to the water is using driftwood that hasn't been "cured".  Uncured driftwood will release tannins into the water, which give it a slightly tan or tea colored tint.  But, the tannins can also lower your ph in the tank, which some fish would love like tetras and discus-non cool water fish.

Hope that helps some, and good luck!
