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25 9:19:22

my whale tail angel has lost its appetite and has stopped eating no matter what tyoe of fish food i give it. I have already tried using medicines and also brining the water a bit. Please tell me why this is happening...i have been having the angel for about 4 months now.


Hey Srinivas!

~Poor angel, is the angel your speaking of the one with the bent fin? The symptoms you described of him not eating no matter what type of food you feed could be a sign of internal bacterial infection. I had an beautiful Oscar named Pugsly who somehow got an bacterial infection that was internal and I began treating him with several different medications. Non of them worked sadly and he passed one day and I sadly mourned over him....Anyway, I think the problem was either 1.)he was simply too stressed from the medication despite the daily 50% water changes, 2.) He was too far into the illness, 3.) the bacteria was resistant....I don't know which one was the correct problem that his succumbed to. I'm sorry that this is all bad news but your situation might be completely differant than mine. One thing you must look for is if the angels droppings look whitish and abnormal, that is a sure sign of internal infection and you should immediately take action and get the right medications. One of the most recommended medications to get has the following active ingredient-
Metronidazole- you can try "Parasite Clear" made by Jungle fish care. Parasite is made to clear internal infection and helps prevent secondary infections.

The best advice I can give is to watch your angel closely for any sign of abnormal droppings or any other changes in behavior and/or appearance. And get medication as soon as possible if you suspect a internal bacterial infection.

I hope the advice I gave was helpful to you!

Wishing you the very best as always~*

Email me again on anything else you have a question about!

Take care and Happy fishkeeping!