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2 sweet baby oscars what other fish can I get.

23 17:00:40

I do have a second 55 gal tank that has a Very large Oscar and a large Green terror in it. My Oscar is very friendly and lets people even pat the top of his head when he comes to the top for a visit. Do you think I can some how teach my other 2 baby oscars to also be this friendly, since they seem to be very sweet already?
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Hi, I have 2 very sweet baby Oscars and the weirdest thing. They are just sooo sweet, not complaining but they wont even eat any feeder fish. they just swim around with them and look all cute. They are happy with there pellets. I also have 2 large plecos and one painted parrot that they love hanging out with too. Do you know of any other kind of fish that I could get besides what they used to live with, that was green terrors and jack dempsies? My tank is 120 gal if that helps. Thank you. Kelly

Oscars get can get quite big and quite aggresive. Anything that will fit in their mouth is sure to be eaten. I would recommend avoiding any other fish. Your tank may look empty now, but when it has two full grown oscars it will seem much more full. The other fish you have should be alright, as long as they continue to stay too big for the oscars to eat.

I hope this helps.



Fish can't really be taught how to be friendly. They aren't as obedient as dogs. :) Either they will be friendly or they won't be, and when they are babies sometimes it is harder to tell. It wouldn't be good if you got another fish to put with your oscars and then have the oscars grow up to be aggresive and one day your other precious fish is eaten.

To play it safe, I definitly recommend sticking to oscars and what you already have in your tank, or other fish that can hold their own like (as you mentioned) green terrors and jack dempsies.
