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Free the fish

23 17:00:39

I was thinking about getting rid of my tank. And the fish inside. I have two tanks with various kinds of different freshwater fish. If i were to take them to a lake and toss them in, would that be ok? or would that be certain death? I have a few bettas and tetras and guppies and such.

Dear Steve,
Please, I repeat Please do not dump exotic fish or plants into local lakes, streams, swamps or any other natural water source. Not only will this kill the fish since they are not adapted to the water and they will die from the cold winters. And even if the fish or plants survive (which is a slim chance) there is another severe problem plauging many areas of the world and that is invasive species outcompeting native wildlife for food and territory space as well as the possibility of introducing foreign diseases to the native fish. To find out more about this, please visit-

Overall it is very unethical for the fish in mind, they will be stressed and confused. Please chose a better route and give your aquariums to a friend or give your fish to a local petstore.

Please try your local petstore and ask them if they would take your fish. Then sell your aquarium or give it away if you are truly wanting to quit the hobby.

I wish you the best!