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Betta not eating and anti-social

23 16:29:00

Hi, I have owned this beautiful betta since July and he had been doing very well till a few days ago.  I noticed his water level had gone down a bit so i added some fresh water to his tank (2.5 gallon tank).  Afterwards i tried to feed him.  He looked at the food...took a small nibble, and ignored it.  I netted out what was left so not to dirty the water.  The next day, my fish wouldn't come to the food like he always had in the past and seems to be very VERY skittish.  He spends his days hiding behind the filter or in the plants.  I have given a complete water change and went to the pet store where the worker recommended i use this stuff called BettaFix.  I added the recommended amount to the tank and am awaiting results.  Any help would be most appreciated.  Thanks!

Hi Laura;

If it has been a long time since you actually changed any water, it's possible the water was too dirty for him and he was reacting to it. Now that it was changed he may just need time to recover from the shock of a complete cleaning. Make sure his tank water stays consistently warm enough, 76f to 80f, and wait a couple of days.

Bettas and even other fish need their water changed weekly. If he has a filter, only change 25% weekly. If he has no filter, change 100% weekly. Be sure to use water conditioner every time and be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water. It helps prevent shock. The BettaFix is okay to use if you can see there is a problem such as injuries or infections of some kind. Keep it on hand for such things, but it isn't going to help him with shock if that's what's really going on.

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins