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adding water

25 9:15:24

I have just accuired a tank with 2 fish in it and the question is, how do I actually add water?

I have some water treatment stuff that works for my area but I think I have to be careful for things like Thermic Shock, do you have a 'topping up your tank for dummies guide'?

Dear Axel,
Quite simply, all you need to make your water safe for fish is a good water conditioner. One that dechlorinates chlorine, chloramines, and neutralizes ammonia. Other than water conditioner, this is all you should need. Adding anymore water additives than this is completely uneccesary and just puts that much more osmotic stress on the fish.

How to add water? I know the easiest way by sitting a 1gal pitcher that has been well-rinsed if recently used for tea or drink--make sure it is WELL rinsed out. Do not under any circumstances use soap or any other chemicals to clean it. Depending on your aquarium temperature, use an aquarium therometer to moniter the pitcher water as it is filling up. Add the appropriate amount of water conditioner, make sure the water is well-mixed, moniter temperature and when full, just carefully pour it into your aquarium. This may seem a bit hard at first but it comes second nature after awhile.

So there you have it. Just treat your water with a conditioner, equalize the temperature, and add to your aquarium. Simple as that. Remember water changes are the best things you can do for your fish.

I hope this helps!
Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!