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Beginner Freshwater Aquarium

23 16:16:31

I am going to buy a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium and I want to know what kind of fish are good. I want them to be easy to maintain, peaceful(they won't eat each other), and colorful. I know 10 gallons is relatively small so I want to get 1 fish of several different types, instead of a school of 6 of one type of fish. In other words, I want fish that don't need to be in schools. Thanks.

This is hard to say because of all the stuff you want together yet you want them to be colorfull. You could get some marble mollys and some neon tetras. also a pictus catfish and dwarf frogs are great in 10 gallon tanks, they well say you cant put alot of these fish I just named in a 10 G tank but I did and they are healthy and fine. If you have any other questions feel free to ask!!!

Michael M