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Fungus amoung us???

23 16:22:28

I have a 28 gallon bow front aquarium.  I currently have about 14 fish (mollies, platys, danios.  I actually have a couple of questions that are not related.  I have a Mickey mouse Platy that has looked pregnant since the beginning of the year and still no babies.  Any ideas?  Maybe she's not pregnant? 2nd question - I have this orangey tan fuzzy stuff growing in the bottom of my tank.  it is also on my plants and decorations.  it just started about a month ago.  i keep vacumming it out but it just cames back in a matter of days.  it seems to grow more on the side of the tank where the heater is hanging, not sure if that makes a diffrence.  it doesn't seem to be bothering the fish, but it looks bacd and I am getting tired of vacumming.  i keep the temp of tank at about 76 degrees, the PH is within range and all the other readings seem to be fine.  Any ideas?

Hi Kim:  Live bearers like platy's actually store sperm until they are ready to have babies... so when tank conditions are perfect they start breeding like crazy.... your Mickey Mouse Platy is probably just waiting for the perfect opportunity.  

The orange fuzzy stuff is probably a form of red algae... If possible try reducing the amount of light... and monitoring your tanks access to indirect and direct sunlight....  I would raise the temp of the tank to 78-82 degrees... keep me posted... dave

Hi Kim:  this time of year you need only about 8 hours of light... so cut it down to 12 then 10 then 8 over the period of a week... the fish will need to adjust... dave