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Sick Gold Fish

23 15:40:41

My Gold Fish is sick.
Symptoms: Bloated Stomach
         He is all the positions except the normal position
Mostly in the upright position.          
It doesn't float in the surface.
         Normal appetite.
         NO discolour and any other external damage
 Please help me and my fish.
PS: See the image attached


OK, I don't see an image but sounds like swim bladder disease. Easily treated for this. I would remove him if there are other fish, if not he can stay in his tank. Fast him for 2 days, on the third day get a frozen pea and drop it in hot water to thaw and cook. When done remove the outer shell and throw it away. DO NOT feed the shell to the fish because they cannot digest it. Take the pea, and cut it in small pieces and feed this to your goldfish, then fast again for 2 days. If he is still having problems repeat the pea. This should fix him right up. When feeding your goldfish, either soak his food before feeding him or get him food that sinks. When they come to the top for food it is thought that they grab air with the food. It is caused be overfeeding, and bad water quality. Over feeding is very easy to do with goldfish since they will eat every time you drop food in the tank. They do not have stomaches so the food comes right back out as ammonia. Make sure you test the water often to make sure there is no ammonia, nitrates or nitrites in the water. Do 25% water changes every week, conditioning the new water before adding it to the tank. This will also help prevent swim bladder disease not to mention other diseases.