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help my goldfish

23 16:19:50

I am so sad, i have two cute fancy gold fish a shubinkin, and and a oranda. I just recently added the shubinkin to my take its a 18 gallon w filter. I left home for two days came back and they were both covered in Ick, I have been reading up on the treatments, but they are covered and i don't want then to suffer....

Hi Chris,
Poor things, sorry to hear that. Fortunately ICK is easy to treat and is especially easy if you catch it early.

I would get some Quick Cure ick medication. Do a 50% water change (dirty water lessens the effects of the medication) and treat your goldfish for at least 2 weeks. Even though the medication says not to. Treating for an extended period even if the parasites disappear is very important as to make sure every last parasite is gone. I would also recommend to continue doing daily to every other day 50% water changes (with gravel vacuuming) not only does this keep the water quality good and relieve stress but it removes excess ick parasites. Always make sure to treat the new water with a water conditioner every time and make sure the temperature is equal to the tank or just a tad bit warmer.

Raising the temperature is often recommended for ick treatments. The goldfish usually don't mind and it helps speed up the icks lifecycle so it won't last so long. Cooler temperatures drags out their lifecycle. Warmer temps will also raise the immune system of the goldies. If the temperature is at least in the mid 70's then don't worry about a heater. But if you do happen to have a heater on hand or are willing to buy one then this will help. A temperature of 80-82F works well. With warmer water means less oxygen so adding an airstone is very important as well.

Ick is easy to cure and most fish make it through and have a full recovery.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!