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My flowerhorn

23 15:57:13

My flower horn is not eating from the past 1 week since i have bought it. i m very tensed please help me with this.
Please tell me do i have to change water or the gravel and sand below. In what environment does the flower horn survive well.
Thank you

With Regards
Naveen H  

Is there any way you could check your water quality?

Make sure the ammonia and nitrites are ZERO and nitrates are as low as possible--ideally under 10ppm

When fish don't eat it means they uncomfortable with their environment and I can bet he is either frightened (not enough hiding places) or stressed from poor water.

I would definitely start doing daily 30% water changes. Make sure the replacement water is equal to or just a bit warmer than your tank's temp and always make sure to use water conditioner with the new water.

~Use an aquarium gravel vacuum from your petstore to clean the bottom plus siphon water out at the same time.

Flowerhorns' basic needs are clean water (free of ammonia and nitrites) and partial water changes on a very regular basis, Decent-sized aquarium and a varied diet.

Look here for more info on flowerhorns!

I hope this helps!