Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > babys


23 16:14:39

Hi, I have a 46 gallon tank. I have 1 Chinese algae eater, 3 giant danios, 2 long finned rosy barbs, 3 long finned zebra danios, 4 neon tetras, and 2 pangasius catfish. Recently my barbs gave birth to 2 babies(I don't know what happened to the rest) and I have no idea what to do. To leave them in my tank or put them somewhere else. The rest of my fish are 2" or smaller. Please tell me what I should do.  

Sorry it took so long to reply my internet was down for awhile.
THe best thing you can do is get a breeder. I would recommend "Lee's 3 Way Breeder" It sits on top of the water and it is plastic with a lid. You can put the babies in there and feed them crushed up food flakes. That is the best way to go. Otherwise the other fish will eat them! I hope I didn't get to you too late! Good luck!