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Raising KH

25 9:02:32

<p>Hi Karen<br>
 10 Gallon, started cycle 5/1/06 ended cycle 7/1. Currently pH 7.0, Ammonia & Nitrites: 0, Nitrates 20, Phosphates 10 ppm+, Kh 3. Weekly 20% water changes with gravel vacuum. Feed flakes or pellets or FD bloodworms every 2-3 days.<br>
 1) How can I raise the KH without raising the pH? I can not use any over-the-counter KH buffer because of my phosphate problem. I've been using 1/8 tsp baking soda in water changes, as needed, but it seems to raise my pH along with the KH. I've become fond of my 2 ghost shrimp and want to make sure the KH is sufficient.<br>
 2) The shrimp don't seem to be eating. They are constantly grazing, but I have never seen them eat flakes. I put in some chopped up, frozen spinach (defrosted). The Platies had a party, but the shrimps did not touch it. AND IT MAKE A MESS. No interest in romaine lettuce either. What should I feed them?<br>
 3) I have not brought myself to add aquarium salt yet. The sealed container have been sitting on the floor for 2 months now. I am worried about over-salting, under-salting, and loosing control of the salt level. How important is the salt for the shrimp. Iodine? Iodine additives? What do you think of the<a href=""> pond salt test kit</a>?
 Will it work in a FW aquarium? </p>
<p>Thanks for your advice. </p>

Dear Lee,
If your pH has been remaining very stable consistantly then I would not try to adjust the KH at all. Doing so could result in more harm than good.It is very difficult to raise the KH without raising pH since raising the KH means raising a natural pH buffer that is very hard to avoid. Fortunately, Ghost shrimp are very adaptable aquatic creatures and can thrive in varying ranges of both pH and hardness. Like with fish, ghost shrimp would do much better with a stable and not specific water chemistry. Which basically means that it's much better to insure good water quality with plenty of frequent water changes and a proper temperature rather than trying to add chemicals to adjust the chemistry. A KH of 3 is acceptable by ghost shrimp.

2) I bet your platies did love the spinach! Nearly all livebearers such as platies appreciate some green food every so often. Ghost shrimp will accept sinking shrimp pellets, algae wafers, and most all other fish food that sinks. You can also try them on frozen foods like brine shrimp (which your platies will also thank you for!) Generally ghost shrimp are quite easy to feed. Just be sure to allow the food to reach them before other fish get to it.

3) I don't deal with aquarium salt in any of my aquariums. It is well-known that aquarium salt is not necessary in nearly all aquariums and only is really best as a side-treatment to some fish diseases. Salt is not needed to keep ghost shrimp healthy. Iodine additives have been proven to be very beneficial to the health of ghost shrimp. And I don't see any harm in using a little. There are mixed debates on whether this is necessary or not. I do know that Arizona Aquatic gardens sells many different unique different fish and they recommend iodine supplement greatly.

Well, I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!