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HELP!! mywater is turning green

23 16:07:49

I have 25tall tank, usually havent had to clean for 6 months then I did just last week. Then i did something stupid, I had 15 jumbo fatheads no more than 1 1/2"  from fishing i let them sit in tank over night with my 3coi and 1blue african chiclid, and the water is turning green.  Im sure i got what ll fix it if i only knew which to use, without a kit.

Hi Babs,
The green water is due to algae growth... Or an algae bloom as it is known. An excess of nutrients and too much light are the most common causes to blame.

The best thing to do is to change the water everyday about 30-50% in the tank to get rid of the excess nutrients fueling the algae. Extra Water changes will help the unbalanced aquarium become balanced. Controlling the amount of light the tank gets will help too. Lastly, some hardy fast growing aquatic plants such as Anacharis or common pond plants will be beneficial to add in large number to your tank to help absorb nutrients and out compete the algae.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!