Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Clean?


23 15:36:53

I want my tanks to be as clean as they should be so I was wondering, how often should I clean my 8 gallon and 2 gallon?
By the way are goldfish freshwater, marine or salt water fish?

ANSWER: Goldfish are freshwater fish.  

Your 8 gallon and 2 gallon should be cleaned every month, but that's once the goldfish are gone.

While you still have them, clean the gravel weekly and change water weekly.  Take out one quarter of the water every weekend and replace it so the water conditions aren't bad.

Also, clean the filter on the weekend too if you can.

PS- Have I shared the fish videos I have with you yet, Manahil?  I have one of the mystery snail, one of the ghost shrimp and one of my Zebras spawning.  I'd love to share them if you want to see them.  I think ghost shrimp might be fun for you to try out.  They are very small and cost fifty cents each. :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

No, I didn't see any videos and what are ghost shrimps? Can I get them at petsmart?

Petsmart will probably carry them.  If not, then any pet store will.

They are very small little shrimps.  Very cute.

They don't really "do" anything, but they do eat left over food, which keeps the tank cleaner.

The videos are at

Zebra Danios Spawning -

Ghost Shrimp -

Mystery Snail - He's about the size of a small peach -