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my betta fish Titus

23 16:38:13

I recently got a betta. When I first got Titus he was actively swimming around his tank and ate a few pellets of food twice a day. However, lately he's been floating at the top of the water at an angle and blowing bubbles. I went to change his water because the temp was too low and he was fine for a few minutes then he is doing the same thing. Also, he likes to hit his face/nose against the back of the tank. What's wrong with him and how can I fix it? thank you

Hi Melissa, sounds like your betta is just making a "bubble nest". Male betta's do this incase a mate comes along and it also means he is healthy.

One of my betta's likes to also go to the side, or back of the tank and hit her face against. They aren't hurting themselves, but its just them being curious what is outside of their home.

Since your betta also seems to be bored, you could stick a mirror in front of him, and let him look at himself. Since they don't know what they look like, he will start to flare, since he thinks its another betta. This can keep him entertained for while, but remember to take it away later, so he can rest.
