Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Freshwater Barracuda floating upside down

Freshwater Barracuda floating upside down

23 16:07:33

Hi, I just bought two Freshwater Barracudas today. They are not Silver Gars anyways, the one barracuda was floating upright and then upside down again in the bag while he was becoming acclimated. The other barracuda is fine and swimming around, while the one has been upside down in the tank for 30 mins. His gills are still moving however, I'm not sure what is wrong with him.  Thank you.

Hi Stephanie:  He is probably suffering from extreme stress... I would put him the tank and turn the light off and let him be.  If he recovers and that is a big if... then he should be fine...I do not see many fish come back from extreme stress though... dave