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Snail is no longer in shell

23 16:24:20

Hi Chris. We have a ramshorn snail and a larger cream colored snail. Today I noticed that the larger snail is no longer in its shell and the hard protective piece that covers the soft tissue is floating in the aquarium. We also have a smaller catfish and tetra fish. Could one of our other fish, or ramshorn snail eaten the larger snail!? This is very strange to me. Thanks!

Hi Monika;

Poor guy. Sometimes fish could harass a snail until it dies but unless his body looks damaged it probably wasn't the fish. Snails don't usually bother each other so it probably wasn't him either. It just happens sometimes. It could a number things; water quality, diet, temperature, etc. Here is a web site about them if you want to investigate their needs more to be sure things are going okay in your tank for the other snail to thrive;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins