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baby sperms

23 16:53:46

i love fishes and i wanna keep as many as possible.
i have questions that never been answered.

Am i aloud to put female and male bettas in a same tank together?
when they make babys do  i have to put each litte baby in a seperate jar?

would anything happen if i put the male female and the babys together in just One tank?

please help.

Kayla,you can put a male and a female together in a tank with other types of fish such as neon tetras but only have 1 male and 1 female betta in the tank.If they do have fry(babies)you can keep them all in 1 tank together until they get older but its best to keep all the fry in a separate tank from other fish until they are big enough to not get eaten by other fish.