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Is it a parasitic worm?

23 16:53:46

Hi, this morning i noticed a miniture caterpillar that was wrapped up in a floating leaf. It had little white hairs and its spine/body was light green. It may have been about 1mm long and there was two of these little guys. Now, I have 3 Kuhli loaches. Its movement resembled that of a khuli loach. Is it an external parasitic worm or a baby khuli loach? If it's a worm, do you know the type of worm and what kind of medication i can use to treat it?

I can't find any specifics on the worms you have.  By the sounds of it, you have live plants.  The worms (or eggs) must have come in on your plants.  If it weren't for the part about looking green, I would suspect Planaria  (which are harmless)
There is a picture on this site.
If they look like Planaria to you.  The you don't have to worry, just step up your water changes to 25% a week and cut back on the amount of food you are feeding.  
 If they do not look like Planaria then the only thing I can suggest is to manually remove them as you find them.  I don't know of any chemical for treating worms.  I hope this helps you.