Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Pygmy Frog

Pygmy Frog

23 16:09:05

QUESTION: I have a relatively new tank with only zebras in it at this point.  I am interested in putting a pygmy frog in the tank.  I have been told that they are hearty but typically have to be fed blood worms.
Any advice?

ANSWER: What kind of Zebras do you have??? Frogs need worms to survive but they make great pets if you are willing to make sure their environment is clean.  dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I bought the frogs on your advice.  The zebras are danios.

I have some tetras in the tank also.  Haver been feeding the frogs dried bloodworms but it seems like the fish grab them first.  Will the frogs be OK.  Will they get more aggressive or are they scavengers?

Hi Michael:  Congratulations on the frogs!!!  I would feed them live blood worms or tubi-flex worms because the sink really quickly and the fish will not eat them all.  The frogs may get more aggressive but usually stick to the bottom of the tank and may not get enough to eat.... dave