Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > temperature


23 16:16:05

Greetings. I live in central Florida and wish to keep a 10 gallon aquarium in my screen porch. During the summer the temperature often hits 90 degrees. Are there any species of freshwater fish that can tolerate this much heat? The tank will be moved indoors in winter. We keep the house at 75 degrees.

Hi Fred,
While most tropical species can tolerate the 90 degree water if this is a continuous temperature it could be a problem. If they had some break from the temps during the day and some form of aeration or the tank is loaded with aquatic live plants than guppies, endlers, platies, danios, and other similar fish should be ok.

My fish pond that I've had for years and years has a usual summer temp of about 90F and that's with lots of aquatic lilly pads shading the pond. But I keep goldfish in it. ;-)

I hope all goes well!