Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > shrinking gouramis

shrinking gouramis

23 16:38:53

i have a large aquarium and i have 6 gouramis and 2 of them have started shrinking . i feed 1 time a day can you tell me why?? thanks jenn

Hi Jennifer
Do you mean they're looking thinner or wasting?  If so, that could be an internal bacterial or parasite infection.  Are there any other symptoms?  

Are those 2 getting food when you feed them?  Are any of the other fish showing aggression to them?  Do they come out when it's feeding time?  Gouramis are a bit territorial and can be kinda aggressive to their own kind.  I've even been hearing quite a bit lately about the more peaceful dwarf varieties being aggressive.  
