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Bowl problem

23 16:41:01

Is there a problem if i keep 6 fishes;2 goldfish, 2 white molliesand 2 platys in one single bowl?

Hi Niraj
Yes, several problems with that.  I personally think that no fish should be in a bowl, even bettas.  I prefer bettas to be kept in nothing less then 5 gallons, though some say a minimum 2 gallons is ok for them.

All those fish you listed, require a filtered tank to survive.  Goldfish really shouldn't be mixed with tropical fish, because they tend to put out more ammonia naturally through their waste and respiration.  And, goldies prefer a cooler water temperature, between 68-72F to do their best.  Tropicals generally prefer a temp around 76-78F.  And, goldies tend to hog the food, so the other fish may not be able to eat.

Goldfish should also have a minimum of 15 gallons per goldfish, most tend to grow quite large, some almost 2 feet long.  

To keep 2 mollies and 2 platies, they should have a minimum of a 10 gallon tank.

Sorry, but just not a good idea...hope that helps and let me know if you have more questions.
