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GloFish (curved Spine)

23 15:41:15

I have an Orange Glofish and his/her body became curved quite a few weeks ago. it would mainly lay on the bottom of the rocks like it was dead. When we cleaned the tank we took him out and put him in a plastic cup. We were going to flush him but then we felt bad. So we put him back in the tank, when it was clean. Now his body started to straighten out. Im not sure what is going on and i was curious if you know what we can do. We have 12 fish in ten gallon tank. All are other fish are fine, But we did have three glofish but one completely disappeared. We figured he died and gotten eaten. We have 2 glofish, 6 platys 3 adult and 3 babies, 2 cory cat fish, 1 ghost cat fish, a tank full of like 200-300 trumpet snails. currently now he/she is swimming in a circle. I was wondering if there was to much ammonia level was to much because we hadn't changed the tank in a while.


Sorry to hear your fish isn't well. It sounds like swim bladder disease. I'm hoping we can save your fish since he/she has been this way for a few weeks. The causes of this is, constipation, due to overfeeding, bad bacteria and bad water conditions. I think part is due to  overfeeding, and also bad water conditions. Your tank is way over populated. . The 2 glofish is all that should be in there really. You have a lot of fish that are contributing to a huge waste problem. Let's deal with the sick fish first. I would do a 25% to 30% water change right away. Make sure you condition the water and that the new water is the same temperature as the tank water. Do not feed your fish for 24 hours after the water change. 24 hours after the water change, get a frozen pea. Remove the outer layer of the pea, cut it into small pieces and feed this to the fish. The next day do another water change. This will get rid of any uneaten pea left in the tank. Cut the fish's food intake by 2 very small feedings a day. One in the morning and one in the evening. Most fish's stomaches are the same size as their eye, and they will eat everything you put in their tank whether they are hungry or not. This should help your little fish out. One day a week refrain from feeding your fish. For example, all my adult Betta fish do not eat anything on Tuesday. This will not harm your fish it will help them digest what is in their stomaches without adding to them.
Now for the over crowding. You have about 298 more snails than needed in that tank. Trumpet snails breed like crazy if there is a lot of waste in the tank. That includes food that are not being eaten by your fish, and the waste of the fish. Your tank is very unhealthy and I would suggest getting those snails out of there. I would try Olive nerita snails. They don't eat live plants, only the leaves that are dying or are dead. They can only reproduce in brackish water. They will, however, lay eggs but the eggs will not hatch in fresh water.

With a tank that small with that many fish you need to change 25%- 35% of the water everyday or every 2 days.

I think that if you get a much larger tank, get rid of those snails, and do regular water changes, you could have a very happy and healthy tank.