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Benifical bacteria

23 16:39:05

I have a 55 gallon tank with 3 goldfish, 3 jack dempsy cichlids, 1
plechostomus and, 1 12" Tiger Oscar. I have been having problems with the
cloudiness of my tank. I just realized that i probably shouldn't clean my filter
with tap water. Could that be the answer to my problems, or are there any
other ways to add beneficial bacteria to help get rid of some of the waste
products in the water. I have tried almost every chem. such as things like
stress zyme and others my fish goldfish especially eat the large visible snail-
like bacteria. Please help I would like to have nice crystal clear water with out
hurting my fish. Thank you.

Usually cloudiness is a build up of ammonia and nitrates...the best thing you can do is water changes.
Have your water tested to find out what the exact problem is. If you have a Petco near you they test water for free. Or you can pick up a test kit from mostly any aquatic pet store. What I have used and it has worked is a chemical called 'Cycle' which gets the nitrogen cycle which fish need going.  But I would recommend having your water tested to figure out what's wrong.  I doubt the tap water is doing it because once it comes into contact with your other water the chlorine is taken away. That is the only harmful thing in tap water.